
Consuming platypus

Yesterday, Grant and Roman (the new G&R?) released their platypus project, which is essentially a very simple and elegant way to provide vRA 7 users the ability to explore it's API without the need to connect to a vRA 7 instance. I personally needed this for another project that I am working on with a colleague so I needed to give this a shot as soon as I can. 

Here is how I had the vRA 7 API documentation at my fingertips in under a minute with AppCatalyst:

Created my platypus AppCatalyst VM:

Powered it on:

Checked for the IP address: 


Connected into the VM:

Ran the platypus container:

Connected to the IP of the container:

and started working:

Clean, simple and easy. Thanks very much to Grant and Roman for creating Project Platypus.  I look forward to seeing what this inspires others in the community to create.

If you would like to know more about this project make sure to check out